Serve Learn Earn Programs
Our programs create stronger communities across Vermont by building pathways to high quality jobs. In tandem, we are focused on enhancing and improving public infrastructure, preserving our natural resources, and caring for our most vulnerable neighbors.
Each Serve Learn Earn program is run by one of our partner organizations. For more info and to apply, please follow the links below.
VYCC Conservation Crews
Participants work outdoors to improve access to recreation and make forests, wildlife habitats, and watersheds healthier. They work to build trails, maintain public park buildings, plant trees, and cut timber. Through training and practice, participants become familiar with hand tools and power tools, earning credentials of value and college credit. Includes AmeriCorps positions.
VYCC Farm and Food Crews
Members work on VYCC’s organic farm in Richmond, Vermont, where we grow organically certified vegetables and pasture-raised chickens that are distributed to more than 400 families through our nationally recognized Health Care Share project. Includes AmeriCorps positions.
Audubon Jr. Conservation Tech Program
A paid opportunity for teens to gain exposure to conservation work. JCTs are mentored and work alongside local foresters, wildlife biologists, environmental educators, ornithologists, and naturalists.
Audubon Counselor in Training Program
Teens work alongside experienced naturalists and educators to deliver environmental education and activities for campers ages 3-12.
Audubon Internships
Year-long and seasonal positions available in the fields of outdoor education, environmental policy, conservation, and youth leadership.
AmeriCorps Position
We host two full-time education positions, and one three-quarter time conservation position each year. Education AmeriCorps members focus on our preschool and elementary programs, field trips, outreach, and community science. The conservation member assists one of our Conservation Program Managers monitor priority bird species, train volunteers, complete bird habitat restoration projects, and work with participating landowners.
Full-time, paid summer positions in which educators receive extensive, hands-on training in environmental education by working our Summer Day Camps. Seasonal educators are supervised by year-round, full-time Audubon staff and earn credentials and/or certifications to advance their careers.
VWW Trailblazer Program
A seven-week trades training program supporting women and gender-expansive individuals ages 18+ to enter careers in the construction trades. Includes a three-week paid work experience.
VWW LIFT (Launching Inclusive Futures in the Trades) Program
LIFT is a one-week summer program for girls and gender-expansive youth entering 9th-12th grade. Participants gain hands-on exposure to a variety of trades fields in a safe and empowering environment. All participants can complete the Explorer Fellowship through Harbor Freight and receive a $250 stipend.
ReSOURCE YouthBuild Program
A paid 12-month training program for youth that are looking for alternative ways to earn a diploma while gaining job training and certifications in the construction trades. This is an AmeriCorps program.
ReSOURCE 101 Intensive Program
Six-week workshop intensives are designed to equip individuals with the skills necessary for entry level job readiness in carpentry, construction, green construction, weatherization, heavy equipment and HVAC. Includes a paid work experience.
ReSOURCE Everybody Works AmeriCorps Program
Full-time, year-long positions that support training programs for people with disabilities. Everybody Works members work alongside participants to develop professional skills as well as complete community service projects. These AmeriCorps members provide service through the educational work experience programs they support and are themselves developing their own skills that will benefit Vermont employers.